Java programming language(VVI Question) for BCA Semester V University Exam


VVI Question

1. what is java applete? Explain applet life cycle. write an applet to draw square inside a rectangle.
2. what is java servlet? Explain its life cycle. Give its characteristic.
3. what is HTML ? Also explain client and server side webpage. define also HTML tags.
4. what is JSP ? explain all the main component of JSP and advantage of JSP.
5. what is an exception? How the exception is handled in java. difference between throw and throws.
6. Explain JDBC application architecture. what are the various types of JDBC drivers?
7. what is cascading style sheet(CSS) ? How many way are there to specify style information in a document?
8. Define coofies. explain the role of  HTTP . give the supportive example also.
9. what is javascript? difference between java and javascript. give example also.
10. what is thread ? what are the example of multithreading? write a program in java for creating two threads.
11. what do you understand by layout manager? Give all types of layout available in java with the help of java.
12. write the short notes:-
    a) multithreading
    b) encapsulation
    c) inheritance
    d) class and object
    e) JDK, JRF & JVB
    f) JDBC & ODBC
13. Explain TCP/IP server socket.
14. what is byte - code in java?
15. what do you mean by constructor?
16. what is datagram socket in java? How to create TCP and UDP connection using socket programming in java?

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