HTML Interview Questions with answers


HTML Interview Related Questions:-

  1. What is HTML?
  2. list some html elements?
  3. Difference between inline elements and block level Elements?
  4. What is head tag?
  5. use of DOCTYPE! in html?

1. What is HTML?

  • Hyper Text Markup Language
  • Used for creation and display of attractive, interactive and dynamic web pages

What meaning of Hyper Text: 

Here, Hyper :- Reference / Link 
Text :- Data / Information
Markup :- Predefined / Marked
Language :- Communication

It's meaning (in details):

Hypertext: Hypertext refers to text that is linked to other texts of resources. ( Like, some links are created using the <a> </a> tag, and these links can connect to other pages, documents, or even parts of the same pages some times)

Markup: Markup refers to the tag or codes that defines the structure of a web page. ( Like, indicate how text, images, videos, and other content should be displayed on the web. Examples of tags include <p> (for paragraphs), <h1> (for headings), and <img> (for images))

Language: HTML is a Language but it is not a programming language. It's a markup language, meaning it does not have logic of control flow ( Like, loops or conditionals in programming languages). Instead, It's used to structure content ( It's help to give structure to the content, so that web browsers can display it properly)

(Concisely : The simple work of HTML is to help create a web page, like arranging text, images, links, videos, etc., so that the web browser can display it in the right way.)

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